Batch audio files processing
Here I store some pretty useful commands when performing audio analysis and refinement on a larger sample of files. The SOX tool can be downloaded here.
Resample multiple files
for /r %i in (*.wav) do sox "%~ni.wav" "16khz\%~ni.wav" rate 16k
Change the bit resolution of multiple files
for %i in (*.wav) do sox "%~ni.wav" -b 16 "16bit\%~ni.wav"
Normalize multiple audio files
Specify only the maximum aplitude (here -1.0 dB) bellow the clipping level (0.0 dB). The results are stored in a folder normalized
on the same level as original.
for /r %i in (*.wav) do sox "%~ni.wav" "..\normalized\%~ni_norm.wav" norm -1.0
Extract audio from a video file
The best tool for that is ffmpeg, another command line interface. Ffmpeg can be downloaded here.
ffmpeg -i video_file.mp4 audio_file.wav
Ffmpeg offers a much wider range of utilities for working with video/audio files.
Rename multiple files in the folder at once
The script asks for a root word and then renames all *.wav files in the current folder to root_1, root_2, root_3…
@echo off
:: Rename all the files in the folder with the given extension to root_x where x
:: is the file order
:: Vojtech Illner, November 2021
TITLE Rename mutliple files
:: Enable delayed extension for loop index tracking
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p root="Enter the root word: "
ECHO renaming files...
set /a k=0
for %%i in (*.wav) do (
ren "%%~i" "%root%_!k!%%~xi"
set /a k += 1
ECHO completed.